Monday, 7 November 2016

6th November 2016 - Sammy meet up in Trench Park at Cockfosters........arf

Not a lot that you can say about this apart from it was a meeting wiv lots of Samoyeds - it was wewwy loud to begin wiv.

Me and Brae have sussed out who has the best treats here today..

Brae is licking an outsider

Everydogsbody licks the outsider..

Whiffy pond gets invaded by white clouds 

Some Sams were clever enough to bring their wellies

We is trying not to sit down patiently and everybody is helping to ruin this photo opportunity.

5th November 2016 - 29k Hartfield, Withyham and Lye Green circular

Wilson was being one of the lads cos he needed to take his mind off of stuff. We on the uvver hand had our mind set on scoffing dads sossage rolls when we stops for lunch.

Sometimes, those flippin worms need a good head-but 


This leaf was making me so angery.......... I wunned away from it.

Brae is wubbish at catchin feasants.. 
but it turns out that I is even more rubbisher than him.

Wilson was trying to tell us one of his stupid jokes so we wunned away from him (have you heard his jokes?

This isnt Brae cos it is far too clean.

Two streams later and we is getting nearer to clean water.

Brae truly conckered this rock in a single bound. He is going to be my hero for the rest of the day.

These leaves looked so happy that we finked we would have happy time wiv them....note to self..Brae is no longer my hero

The magical culours of Autumn look a bit like......erm....

Tony did telled a lie again.. he said it was only going to be 16.5 miles and it turned out to be 19.5 miles and the pub at the end ran out of Harveys