Mum and dad taked us to Exmoor cos there was a special hill that needed a climb. So we stayed in a dog frenly pub called the Notley Arms in Monksilver
This silly old sod was told 'not to look at Medusa' Typical grown-up not doin as he is told - me an Brae are skilfully avoidin her gaze.
This is Watchet Harbour - I telled Brae to 'watch it' but he didn't get my wry sense of humour.
This is fossil beach - we wandered around and eventually discovered mum.
We wasn't going in this shop in case we gettid smuggled away
I are taller than you stupid earthling
The grass is tasty in Blue Anchor, so Brae had an extra mouthful as ruffage
What a rubbish bridge - dads car wouldn't fit
HUZZAR - we made it up to Dunkery Beacon
Now we is playin 'Ring a Ring of Roses' around a pile of rubble
We took it turns to be the highest in Exmoor
Brae wondered if his bum looks big on this
I finded a worm hole that belonged to the famed Mountain Worm of Dunkery Beacon
Then laid on it to squash the famed Mountain Worm of Dunkery Beacon - my work here is done
If you could look back in time - you would see us on that uvver hill. Brae says he can see back as far as the beginning of time.
We are being handsome together - Brae looks like a giant gonk.
This is the valley of the rocks where some very silly goat fings were jumping on the cliffs. Brae had to avert his eyes cos he is a scaredy cat.
Goats doing a boink about everywhere.
This is a train that works entirely on water - dad says that's nuffing - he works entirely on beer
Likkle lambseativies pertendin to be Brae
Mum done a photo bomb
This is some old view of sumfink or anuvver