Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Yorkshire Dales May 2019

We did a visit to all the high Places

First stop, Richard III pub in Middleton where we spended 3 nights whilst we did an explore of the  Yorky Dales.

Castle in Middleton, mum and a field.

The famous Middleton Sheepsys


Next stop Horton in Ribblesdale for the Yorkshire Peaks

Start of our six and a half mile hike to the top of Pen-y-Ghent

Pen-y-Ghent 694m.

Yay made it.

Brae now thinks he owns all that he can see.

We did find a peaty pond wiv froggy spawn in it to wallow in and cool down.


Next stop Ayesgarth Falls

Me forming part of the white water

Aha... Here I is pertending not to admire the cool water

 Too late.... we is in the water again (dad keeps sayin 'Heck')

You can paddle all the way to Scotland iffin you wants..

Dad said we were not allowed to play in this bit cos Brae is rubbish at floating.


Next stop Brimham Rocks.. YO....YO...YO

Brae was trying to find the Rottontrolls who live in these rocks

I on the other hand, was doin an impressive roll in the grass.

Brea was showing of his mountaineering skills and lolloped himself over the edge good job he is all floaty so he had a soft landing

Dangerous shade

Brae didn't want to sit next to this wobbly rock...…….so he didn't.

I is dancing bare foot through the Winberry/Bilberry bushes.

Phew.. what a view.

I is doin a majestic while the wind blows up my bum

Aha... the infamous cave Samoyed.


Next stop Nidderdale

You just cant keep us out of a peaty river

This is the Nidd

Brae was walking mum around the garden.

Brae finded a sheepsy that wanted to give him a kiss.

Dovedale in Derbyshire - May 2019

This is Dovedale

First stop, The Falcon Inn, Long Whatton for a couple of overnight stays - Flippin biggest breakfast on Earth.

View heading north with no Sammy in it....what th.…….

Fluffy Butt...…. erm…….Saturday

I gib you a cheeky mlem

We was trying to drink the river dry..

YOIKS.. Splatter attack

We finded a mossy bank to sit down in and beg passers-by for thems samiches

Brae was doin a frighten cos I said this was a giants gob

So he did a hidey in this hole


Sammy rescue Society meeting at Overseal - 60 Sams this year




Super-Sam and Bat-Sam make an appearance

Super Sam requires treato antidote for Craptonite

Looking sharp...

Batsam revealed as Brae Softshadow

Dad treatos all the good bois and gurls

Mum n Brae

Brae slips in a quick, but mighty BORK

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Hiking in Tenterden - our new stomping ground

May Bank Holidays in our Countryside

Snorfling in the cattle meadows
Peeing on the old Railway line
Yomping in the Railway Meadows
Bell ringing in St Mildreds
Bomping in the woods
Turners woods
Blowing dry in Turners Fields
Have a drink in the cattle meadows
Relaxing at home
Cant keep us out of the long grass
Woodland path in the nature reserve
Digging for wabbits
Running in the Sheep fields
Posing in St Michaels
Snoozing in Halden Fields
Knock Wood 
Bog snorkelling in the Mill ponds 
Borking in the Old Orchard