Thursday, 31 December 2015

Alfriston Christmas Walk

We did have a little Christmas walk from Bopeep Lane to The Star Inn in Alfriston

 We was sensible enough to start at the top of the hill. Brae said he wanted to walk wiv mum - you can see him smiling in the middle.

I did check out the norty sheep fings that were hiding in the grass. One of them did make a baa noise, then all of a sudden they all did.

Although this is sposed to be winter, the hills is very green. I also finked that you would like to see my tung. 

Braego Soft-Shadow said he wanted to pose majestically in the rolling hills. He also wanted to do a little 'toot' from his bum, so I did stand up wind of him.

We had to be tied to a fence cos we was all to exited to sit still, Frank did lay down cos he wasn't exited at all. 

Brae fell over in the water bowl and went to sleep.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Dancing Bear

Rubbish quality vid - But my bruvver does a luverly dance for food - what a Tart.
I on the uvver hand, I have a completely different stance on treats

Available for Photoshoots

Nosey Parkers


We was nominated by my Samoyed friend Douglas to upload 5 nosey pictures in 5 days on facebook-fingy-bob and here are the nominees for nose of the week.

These is our special equipments for sniffin all kinds of important fings - uvver dogs bums, peoples crotches (specially lady ones), trees, lamp-posts and seeing if something can be eated.
We can detects some odours at concentrations of parts per trillion.
We can sniff out fear, anxiety and sadness in your adrenaline stuff and from the tell-tail body chemicals sent to your skin. When you touches fings, you leave a little bit of you which we can detect.
 Just so you know - If you put a 135-square-mile city under a 300-foot-high enclosure, evaporated a gram of butyric acid and let a dog in, the average dog would still be able to detect the odour.
We carries anywhere between 125 millions and 300 million odour-detecting cells in our sniffer, which vastly out-guns your measly likkle 5 milion. So remember that when you does a comical fart at us.
Now go and wash your hands'es - them stinks

Starting wiv a couple of really cute noses that you can kiss ifffin you wants

We was too busy larfing at dads 'blow-off' joke to take a sensible picture

These are our long noses for sniffing out them norty pelicans from their hidey holes

These are our sleepy hooters

Thursday Bonus hairy nose - Brae did get one of my hairs stucked to his nose

A couple of big wet konks that we is gonna stick in your ear when you is napping

Friday bonus Australian nose for those of you living on the other side of the world

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Braego Soft Shadows Lineage and Heredity

My dad is asked so many times 'what breed is Brae' so we finked we would add this for your information.