Our stay in the wonderful Shropshire hills at this dog friendly Hotel
This is a pub fing where dad did getted beer and food, and a bed and we did snooze on the floor.
It is called the Castle Hotel in Bishops Castle.
We did get well dirty and dad did have to throw Brae into a stream to get clean, Brae did get the wusk cos he does a frighten of water that may have angery pelicans hiding under the surface. I has no fear of angery pelicans so I did a swim in the water until the dirt did wash away.
This is the tricksy path that leads to the wartyfall at the end - Brae did a wun away in the wrong direction.
Once he had got is direction-a-scope working properly he did change into some sort of mountain goat.
We has discovered that Brae likes the snow wewy much.
I did shutted my eyes cos Brae was going to do a roly-ploly in the heathers and I didnt want to be embarrassed at his idiotness.
I was standing like a noble prince in the snow
Brae was getting ready to lay one of his special eggs - so he had to make a snow-nest
School chidlers had been this way throwing all their ham samwiches about so I did gobble them up like a little hoover
This post was sticking out of the ground with some words on it... erm..... just sayin
Then I did a Bork
The countryside was as flat as and pandacake on this side of the Edge. Major somebody-or-anuvver did a leap off of here ............. Twit
Me and Brae discovered that long grass is good for hiding in - but it is only as good as the amount of time you can keep a Bork hidden inside you.
Brae is a dirty little *@&%er
A smoll amount of dirt did getted stuck to my fur too
So we went to Much Wenlock to show the luverly peoples our dirt
We is being a 2-headed monster
It was so peaceful on top of the hills
Then I did a Bork
Brae is in the pub
We is in the pub
Brae is a sleep
And this is us being really happy and our weeks worth of climbing fings (ps.. Brae is not being attacked by a blue sneck)
Very handsome two-headed monster!