Tuesday, 28 August 2018

25th August - 27km Lewes - Blackcap - South Downs Way.

A circular hike from Lewes Station Car Park, past the Prison then up onto Blackcap. Get onto the South Downs Way and walk over as many hills as you can see

I is doing my Sit-Down on command

Me n Brae is having anuvver 'stick-your-tung-out' competition

Brae was upset cos he didn't  win the 'stick-your-tung-out' competition, so he went off in a huff

Not content.. he has got to make this game out of everything - dad telled him not to be silly and just look at the lovely view

I is finking I would like to roll about in this fresh straw

It was quite warm so me and Brae had a little cuddle by the style

We has got to get to the hill on the uvver side, but first we had a big down to do and a flippin nasty up

Good job we finded this massive troff to have a malarkey in

Then it was time for a nap while dad eated his pies - we had figgy rolls cos we luffs them

I has got my eyeses closed cos I is walking by radar

Brae said can we post him home cos he has had enuff of doin a hike.

Me and Brae is doin a walkin race to see who can get to the pub first...

Start at the pub - finish at the pub, that's what days says.

Friday, 24 August 2018

10th July - 11 August; Loony-Toons does a visit

Loony-Toons, our second foster has a stay with us until she found her forever home.

Just before jumping out of the second floor window - dad did catch her on the window sill before she escaped.

She looking fine in Red


Cuddles with Lady Elspeth

'Feed me' eyes

You expect us to drink out of this flippin bucket..?

An evenings walk ends up at the Sussex Arms for some Timothy Taylors for dad

A gad-about on Tunbridge Wells Commons

Looks like Cerberus is waiting in the car while dad gets the milk

LT does a visit to Bodiam Castle on Mum and Dads Anniversary

Loony has a special stop at the White Dog Pub - pish.... no free beer though

The local pub (Cross Keys) had a fire overnight so we even had this little black dudette stay with us for a couple of nights too.

I promise not to jump in the pool Foster Dad

I bring you this ball... as a special gift

Laying in the shadow of the Mighty Brae

Fun Bum Three

What... not anuvver pub

Loony does her special flying fairy impression

Um... not getting in the water though.

We all went to work with dad and did a skive under his desk..

Mr Pippin is not afraid of the Loony

Happy face just before Loony bited Lady Elspeths bewb

We wont forget this lully girl - Loony-Toons, Luna