Circular up hill hike from Betws-y-Coed to the Swallow falls and Beyond.
This is where we spent our night after the Snowden hike
and we did wake up to a glorious Rainbow fing.
We started here
Brae had a little pre-start dip to make sure it was warm enuff to wash the dirt off when we gettid back
This is us looking interested in the marvellous falls that dad did make us trudge through smelly puddles and dirty wood to find.
Brea finked I was being funny doin a gonk impression.
I was looking at Mordor - Brae was waiting for a swinjin little Obbit to jump out
Brae is doin a toot on this windy hill
God had laid a green carpet of moss just for me and Brae to roll about in... fanx God
Mum felt a desperate need to shop - we felt a desperate need for figgy rolls
Beautiful scenery and handsome pals.