(Dad thought he would like to add a bit to my pages)
Things you should know about a Samoyed (Sammy-yed) before you part with your money.
If you already own a Sammy then this might come as a bit of a shock as we all know them to be (in the main) our silent partner. We have never known them to raise voice at the 'knock of a door' at a 'misplaced toy thing' or for generally no good reason. This is considered as barbarous dissonance by most, if not all owners.
It has recently come to light that through uncensored breeding that there might be a couple of barkers slipping into the proverbial Samoyed gene-pool.
For those of you not aware of this sound it is of which I am sure there are many, It has a resonance something like a gentle 'BOOOORRRK', a distained 'AAAARRRRROOOOHHHHH' or a silent 'BLEC-BLEC-BARKETY-BORK, BORK, BORK, OOF.
You will be unfamiliar with these sounds, so I will endeavor to show you through the means of photography how these, almost silent forms of communication can been seen.
left: As you can see here, a slightly opened jaw precedes a light an airy BORK. From this height above sea level would never really travel further than a couple of miles and likely unheard by many save for those with the keenest hearing or with amplifying machinery such as a hearing aid.
Right: Here is an attempt to capture the silent AAAARRROOOOHHHH,
You might just be able to make out a slight lifting of the head - if you can't, don't worry because its normally accompanied by a raised foot which you can quite easily see in this image.
This sound will only travel two or three hundred yards and probably only twice that distance at night, thus easily making it difficult to hear over the normal daytime noise
Left: This open mouthed expression is often confused with a yawn and you could miss the gentle
The lips have a slight curl with the mouth just slightly ajar as shown here in this rare and unique image .
This is slightly unusual, insofar that not many have heard this and as such, remains unsubstantiated.
We understand that this sound may relate to the need to be elsewhere other than where they are.
2. Recall.
All sammys are of course obedient to the 'n'th degree and a Recall command is very rarely needed as part of a training programme.
As part of our studies, here at the Southborough Lighthouse we have transposed this unused term with one or two that hold a far more convenient expression and meaningfulness such as, 'Search and discover', 'Search and destroy' and I'll see you at home later then'
Here are two that are displaying beautifully the Search and Discover in favour of the redundant recall. Note how the poorly trained Labrador lacks the ability to transpose this rudimentary command anywhere near as quickly as our favorite breed and resorted to a 'follow' disposition.
Hopefully it should be some hours before these two are back by your side giving extra time to enjoy the blustery surroundings.
3. The language of Samoyeds
You can be forgiven for thinking that this intellectual beast has many facets to its language and that its diverse expressions and mannerisms hold all sorts of secrets and inter-dog codes.
We are only just beginning to discover that many expressions can be boiled down to portray one or more basic instincts.
We have found over a hundred expressions that mean no more than 'Feed Me'. The lifted eyebrow in conjunction with the 'Feed Me' expression converts this to one of urgency - as in 'Feed Me - NOW', or 'Give me that food that you are eating'
Right: Here is the articulate expression for 'Gimme one of them-there sweeties' the slight return of the right ear adds importance to the whole sentence. The direction of the eyes indicate the location of the food matter and the slight salivation also determines the urgency of the need
Wonderful animals
We cannot find any other tangible use for expression other than this primordial need for food.
4. Getting to terms with Snorp, Blep, Mlem, and Blem.
I know what you are thinking - fairly basic and entry level Samoyed - but is it?
Left: So lets not get confused..
The simple 'Blep' is mastered by the Left hand animal
The simple 'Blem' is shown, but not fully mastered by the right hand animal and of course it never will be as he is not a full Samoyed
Right: This is the 'Part Mlem' which normally precedes the 'Full Mlem'
The dog with the mask clearly understands this term (although not a full Samoyed)
Magnificently portrayed here in this Mlem moment that you may only catch once or maybe twice a year.
Right: And finally the 'Snorp', worn here by the part Samoyed. Rated 'Fairly Common' but not often caught on camera.
5. Shoobies
This is a term that has been shunned by the Samoyed community as a whole and recently caused uproar when it was suggested that a full name change should be adopted by the Samoyed Association to avoid confusion between the two completely different breeds.
So finally to recap
The following are examples of what you hope to have learned from the above, if you fully understand these, it will help when it comes to deciding whether to adopt or buy a samoyed in the future.
The following are examples of what you hope to have learned from the above, if you fully understand these, it will help when it comes to deciding whether to adopt or buy a samoyed in the future.
The airy BOOORK
The Part Mlem
For clarity we have identified the important parts of a Samoyed's anatomy which may help with discussions with your Vet should any problems arise in these distinctive areas.
It is important to understand how your Samoyed will fit into the community..
We certainly hope you enjoy your new found friend as much as he/she will enjoy your samiches.
Tylor and Braes Dad
Tylor and Braes Dad