Monday, 28 October 2019

Bruvver Brae turns his paw to ... erm... verbal art.

A poem by Brae Softshadow


There are so many fings in my life that I love,
sausages, biscuits and that old leather glove.
Stuff in the rubbish bin, sunny spots on the floor,
my box of half eated toys and the draught by the door
My dad’s socks, the middle of my dad’s bed,
my dad’s car where I hang out my head.
Chasing squiggles in the park up the trees (aaaarrrrrggg pesky Squiggles)
Long walks by the seaside and that cool winter breeze,
The lamp post on the corner and the one up the road,
the woods where I live especially when its snowed.
The fields and the meadows with a sharp winter frost
the streams and rivers (well the ones that I’ve crossed)
A pond, any pond as long as it’s wet,
my bruvver, my mum and even the vet.
Sheepsys, piggys, an orse and some cows
the doggo over the road when my dad allows.
They pale to insignificance when i see you
and my flopperty heart skips a beat or maybe two.
My darling food bowl, where have you been,
it’s been hours since last you were seen.

[dad had to do a interpret and type cos bruvver Brae is wubbish on a keyboard]

Friday, 4 October 2019

En France - September 2019

Out and about wiv Mum n Dad in the Poitou Charentes

Brae said he wanted a name change to ...erm...Jesus. I said he was daft and was it because he was walking on water. He said no, it was because Jesus spelt backwards sounds a bit like sausage.

I said I wasn't going to change my name to Peter but walked on the water anyways.

If you walk on water for too long, you eventually sinks - here is me n Brae sinking in the water.

Dad did buy us floatey fings

Here is Bruvver Brae showing you how sexy they can look.

Brae is deep in his thoughts again - musing over the concept of becoming a boat I suspect.

After a long swim, you need to chillax in a shady spot away from the hubbub of river life.
And think about fishing in the Charente...

I is the king of the Castle at Plan d'eau Lambon

You can just make out the sexiness of my naked knees.

Brae is making sure that I is comfortable enough to sleep on.

Yup.....Is me.

We is enjoying the sun at the Abbey in Celles sur Belle

Sometimes Bruvver Brae needs some sitting company.

I is 'fig' spotting

Doing a rest outside Dads hovel. 

You cant see us from up here cos we is invisible to the human eye.

We went to the Castle in the medieval town of Parthenay - Brae was well happy to climb the castle walls as you can see.

Brae is making sure mum doesn't fall off the edge - he is such a hero

One of these is art!

We is taking our Tribble frens out for a walk in Usseau 

This is not Brae - this is the terribly elusive picnic bear

Bridge sitting in Coulon - we is on a stroke-a-thon.

Doing coffee and doggo biscuits by the Sevre Niortaise

Hob-nobbing with the exclusives in Marans

Just in case you haven't seen us from top view whilst flying over France

Ahhhh.. I is doin a bum-sit in this hot, hot weather. 

This has been builded just for me and Brae to cool down in

The old streets of Parthenay - we think everybody has done a bugger-off for a sieste.

we is being wide boys.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Suffolk for a wedding

We were not invited to the wedding so we mainly did a sleep or a sit-down

So here is  composition of us doing exactly that

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Dang, 'Shoes - you - ate - lick - a - ment'.

Tylor ruptures cruciate ligament.

Here is my sexy leg 24 hours after TPLO Surgery

In a TPLO (Tibial-plateau-levelling osteotomy) procedure, the Tibial Plateau, the portion of the tibia adjoining the stifle, is cut and rotated so that its slope changes to approximately 5 degrees from the horizontal plane. This prevents the femur from sliding down the slope of the tibial plateau when the dog puts weight on its knee. A crucuate ligament rupture does not repair on its own - so surgery is the only option.

I am expected to regain a very active and athletic lifestyle with no post-operative complications and without the need for any long-term pain relieving medication. 

In the meantime I will do some zzzzeds

this is me doin a zed at a train station

This is me doin a zed as a push-me-pull-you

 In the meantime, my Bomper Bruvver Brae will be doing my regular exercise for me as I am only allowed 10 mins lead time per sesh.

Here is dads bill for this phase of the procedure - he says I'm worth it

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Yorkshire Dales May 2019

We did a visit to all the high Places

First stop, Richard III pub in Middleton where we spended 3 nights whilst we did an explore of the  Yorky Dales.

Castle in Middleton, mum and a field.

The famous Middleton Sheepsys


Next stop Horton in Ribblesdale for the Yorkshire Peaks

Start of our six and a half mile hike to the top of Pen-y-Ghent

Pen-y-Ghent 694m.

Yay made it.

Brae now thinks he owns all that he can see.

We did find a peaty pond wiv froggy spawn in it to wallow in and cool down.


Next stop Ayesgarth Falls

Me forming part of the white water

Aha... Here I is pertending not to admire the cool water

 Too late.... we is in the water again (dad keeps sayin 'Heck')

You can paddle all the way to Scotland iffin you wants..

Dad said we were not allowed to play in this bit cos Brae is rubbish at floating.


Next stop Brimham Rocks.. YO....YO...YO

Brae was trying to find the Rottontrolls who live in these rocks

I on the other hand, was doin an impressive roll in the grass.

Brea was showing of his mountaineering skills and lolloped himself over the edge good job he is all floaty so he had a soft landing

Dangerous shade

Brae didn't want to sit next to this wobbly rock...…….so he didn't.

I is dancing bare foot through the Winberry/Bilberry bushes.

Phew.. what a view.

I is doin a majestic while the wind blows up my bum

Aha... the infamous cave Samoyed.


Next stop Nidderdale

You just cant keep us out of a peaty river

This is the Nidd

Brae was walking mum around the garden.

Brae finded a sheepsy that wanted to give him a kiss.