Monday, 25 March 2019

Walking With Clouds Meet - 24th March 2019

Chesworth Farm, Horsham

Brae is beside himself with happiness.

I is doin a lick.

Lupo has had his barth.

Braego is not Spartacus.... I am Spartacus.

Floof your butt-tactics.

Brae is king of the castle, I is a dirty rascal.

Hoomans just standin around. Why is they not sniffing bums like the rest of the animal kingdom?

Odd man out.

Charge... and heckin charge again.

Davey is wunnin around boinking everydogsbody in the face.

Hay bois… come join me in the water.


Ha... mum n dad is doin us a frighten by looking like a shadow.

2nd March 2019 - 28km North downs hike.

Our route across the North Downs on a slightly damp day in March

Brae likes to be at the front so we can enjoy the magnificence of his giant fluffy butt.

I was doin a perturb sitting next to a certain death drop

Everybody was reading a map, cos they didn't know where they were going

aha...… an open vista where I can sing sweet tunes into the wind - or do a giganticus BOOORK.

Brae is doin a float in the air

Brae joinded in an a humungus BOOORK

They is lost again - Hoomans is so silly, you only has to follow your nose

Me n Brae doin a speed past..... voooom.

What th... did you say samich

We gettid tied up cos we is a pain in the arspe when there is a porky pie or samich bein bandied about

Heckin great pile of steps - better going down than up... trust I

Ah the field at the beginning/end of our hike - just the pub to head for now.

This is the line of dots that joins up to be some sort of route that we sort of follow.