Monday, 29 June 2015

Saturday Wash and Brush-up

Tylor gets a wash and brush up ready for his holiday in the Brecon Beacons

My dad said I had stinky trowsers so I was havin a barf

This is my forlorn look - my mum said I looked gaunt, so she did give me sweeties

Then I was all puffed dry and dad maked me sit on a seat

I is really noble now - sitting in the sun keeping an eyeball on them scallywag cats.

This is The Black Minion - i finks he is hatching an egg

This is Mister Pippin - he is squashing dads plants - for fun

I did lay down and finked about ....................erm.................nope,..... my head is empty.


so I got back in the seat  'My Royal Throne' again

Friday, 26 June 2015

Late for work

That Friday Feeling

I dont care what is says on the sign.... i is not getting up to dance.

Today I is grumpy pants cos I was not allowed to scoff the cat food.

I did go to the park before work

AAAAARRRRGGGG these weeds is lovely - it looks like somebody setted fire to the grass.

The sun cummed out and i did run accross the field

Then I went to work - dads desk is very untidy so I licked the dust bin for him

Monday, 15 June 2015

Tylor car-surfing


Ashdown Forest - Orchid Hunt

A Sunday afternoon stroll through the hilly side of Ashdown Forest - on the hunt for the Spotted Orchid

I eated my dinner up and needed a walk cos I did some smelly farts in the car. (mum gived me sweeds and vegyballs with my Sunday roast)

This is a path that went down a hill ...........................Just saying.

I finked I could see my house from here then I sniffed some grass

The sky looked like it was full of rain - good job I had a warm coat on.

I did meet a naughty doggy who made me jump into a dirty puddle....lots of times

Huzzaar - I finded a common spotted orchid

Monday, 1 June 2015

Jevington - Cuckmere Haven - Seven Sisters - Birling Gap - Eastbourne

May 2015 Walk - 22km circular

This is the Cuckmere Haven where there was sheepsys and a river that looked like a giant wriggly worm.

Does our arse look big in this?

I runded so fast down these steps that I becomed a blurr..

Me and Lasky trying to squeeze past Wilsons bum - Lasky did win cos he is bigger than me.

I rund down the hill - then I rund up the hill - then I rund down the hill - then I deserved a poo.

This walk made me very HAPPY

My dad tied me to a fence so I could stand still long enough to properly look at the Coastguards cottajes - I'm not really looking... pfft pfft.
(Note from Dad: Tylor your spelling/grammar is terrible)
(Note from Tylor: Dad.....I'm a dog you eejit)

Jumping in the back of Seven Sisters number 2

Sticking my tongue out on Seven Sisters number 4

Laying down on a anuvver Seven Sister cos I was bit knackered and one of my ears did blow away

I photo-bombed a

Then me and my dad photo-bombed the light-house

Frank, Wilson, Tilly, Tolly, Me and Lasky did find a normouse puddle to drink. Wilson showed off by swimming in it. I did larf cos I had already had a wee in it.
When we go out together we have special posse names - in da crib left to right..
'Bumpy-Dyke-Jumper', 'Bitey-Bitey-Bitey', 'Beardy-White-Beard' , 'Babyface-Run-Boy-Run' and Babylon-Black-Boots

This is my new Julius K9 harness - its well comfy. Some eejit lady thought it was my name but did give me a cuddle anyway. I did lick her face and it tasted of pudding.

Me and Lasky shooting the breeze looking out over Eastbourne - we shared a scrummy apple together.

I did fall to sleep on the way home

Iffin you is interested - this is where we did go.
My good friend Tony coloured it in so we didn't get lost.