Sunday, 22 May 2016

19K Lewes to Mount Caburn to Rodmell - 21st May 2016

 Every 6 weeks we do a big walk/wunnin about somewhere in the South East of England

This sign was a long way up the hill - we finked, you have got to be pretty stupid to climb over the fence here - Brae said.. "Can I climb over the fence dad"........erm..........Pretty stupid

Brae collected up a special piece of sheep poop on his neck so he could savour the pong all the way round - dad cleaned it off before we gettid to the pub.

 Dad is displaying his shiney teef blowing in the wind

Mount Caburn gets the Harper treatment 

 We was wunning about in the butty-cups like a couple of girlies.

We did sit outside the Monks House and gettid bored - as you can see, Braes brain has shut down.

 Me and Frank wuz tellin everybody to come on an pull finger out.

 Looks like some kid drawed this picture, but it is really a photograph....honest

 Brae was wunnin about shouting "Ze Germans are Coming" - he does that sometimes............ ................I dunno why..........he just does.                   Berk.

We found a troff fing.

Here is the map iffin you wanna walk it

Monday, 9 May 2016

Hargate Forest and Newhaven - Sun 8th May

It was the hottest day of the the year today - 25 degrees, so
dad took us to the forest to cool off. We gettid so dirty that
dad had to take us 30 miles to the sea to clean us up

First we found a luverly pond to jumpsy in

This is the cleanest water.... ever

Then we found a luverly stream to jumpsy in

I was havin a joke wiv dad about some poo (seemed funny at the time)

Brae had collected some dirt on his underside

We had a quick lay in the sun but it was too hot

So we went and and found the shade of the tall Pines

Brae was pertending that his feet were roller skates

And decided that going down on his back would be more funner

Because we were so dirty, dad said we should go to the sea

Brae is not altogether sure of the sea yet.. he says that there are too many flippin wild animals hiding in the rock pools just waiting to drag him under.

Eventually Brae conquered his fear of underwater pelicans and octy-pussies

I showed Brae how to wade in the sea

The beach did get very big as the tide went out. Good job we wasn't in a boat or we would have been ship wrecked.

The rock pools were great fun to swim in

Even Brae went up to his middle.... eventually

This is a massif view behind me of Newhaven Harbour. You can just make out one of the Seven Sisters.