Todays the day that we take a little trot off to conquer that little ole mountain they call Snowden.
Up the Miners Track and down the Pyg Track
You has got to start with a good breakfast of sossages, sossages, sossages. We luved the Chef here cos he kept bringing us sossages - The Groes Inn
Our starting point on the A498 added an extra 3 km onto the hike
Miners Track past Llyn Teyra
We stopped for a cooling dip in Glaslyn before we scrabbled up to the Zig-Zag path.
Brae said he wanted to drink the whole reservoir up cos it was so tasty. I didn't tell him that I had a wee in it...arf arf..
Up there somewhere.. there is the summit with a normous great dragon huffing smoke everywhere
We eventually reached the triangulation fing on top of the mountain that was perched precariously up in the clouds.
Better give dad some credit too - he is the geezer in the blue jacket and the backpack full of stuff..
We is bein chased by a load of zombies that looked like they were dying.
Zig-Zag path down across Glasyn and Llydaw. Brae did a big BOORK here but it blew away in the wind.
This is the easy peasy part of the Pyg Track that is supposed to go down the mountain. Looks more like it is going back up iffin you ask me.
Dad spotted a pub in the distance, so we had to walk fast cos he had a magnificent thirst on
Up and down the mountain via these routes.
A bonus picture of our mum