Tuesday 28 August 2018

25th August - 27km Lewes - Blackcap - South Downs Way.

A circular hike from Lewes Station Car Park, past the Prison then up onto Blackcap. Get onto the South Downs Way and walk over as many hills as you can see

I is doing my Sit-Down on command

Me n Brae is having anuvver 'stick-your-tung-out' competition

Brae was upset cos he didn't  win the 'stick-your-tung-out' competition, so he went off in a huff

Not content.. he has got to make this game out of everything - dad telled him not to be silly and just look at the lovely view

I is finking I would like to roll about in this fresh straw

It was quite warm so me and Brae had a little cuddle by the style

We has got to get to the hill on the uvver side, but first we had a big down to do and a flippin nasty up

Good job we finded this massive troff to have a malarkey in

Then it was time for a nap while dad eated his pies - we had figgy rolls cos we luffs them

I has got my eyeses closed cos I is walking by radar

Brae said can we post him home cos he has had enuff of doin a hike.

Me and Brae is doin a walkin race to see who can get to the pub first...

Start at the pub - finish at the pub, that's what days says.

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